Videos » $50 PROFIT IN LESS THAN 5 MINUTES - Low Stakes Roulette Strategy

$50 PROFIT IN LESS THAN 5 MINUTES - Low Stakes Roulette Strategy

Posted by Edward Clarke
Posted 22 Mar
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  • Edward Clarke
    Edward Clarke @_user_4027 Try importing it into sheets. If the button still does not work, I can provide you the step to set it up
    24 Mar - Report
  • Kirk Chamberlin
    Kirk Chamberlin I have been trying that and it wont import. . Im sure its something I am doing wrong. Ill figure it out eventually. Thanks
    24 Mar - Report
  • Kirk Chamberlin
    Kirk Chamberlin I imported into google sheets, but the same problem. When I click on Data Clear button it does not clear and activates a dra
    24 Mar - Report
  • Edward Clarke
    Edward Clarke @_user_4027 here is the guide I used to create the script. It might be that it is linked to my google drive and you need to create the button or link the button yourself!
    25 Mar - Report

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