Videos » Dealer Tracker » Neighbour Bets Strategy

Neighbour Bets Strategy

Posted by Edward Clarke
A good neighbour bets strategy can be highly profitable. We are using the dealer tracker from to track a live dealer so we can determine the best area to place our neighbour bets. 0:00 Roulette Calculators Discount Offer 0:38 Intro - Finding A Table 2:47 Found A Roulette Table 5:05 We Start Betting 10:05 The Neighbour Bets Strategy Begins 13:31 Dealer Change We don’t recommend using this Neighbour Bets Strategy if the dealer is not showing any level of consistency. When you look at the roulette table in the calculator graph, you should always try to find a dealer who is forming nice groupings of previous roulette spins, then place your neighbour bets accordingly. If there are no groupings, you should find a new live dealer. Also, if there are signs of a grouping, only use the Neighbour Bets Strategy whilst the groupings are there, if it looks like it is starting to spread out too much, you should stop betting and carry on logging the data. If you like this Neighbour Bets Strategy, give us a thumbs up. //SUBSCRIBE: //FOLLOW US \u25b9Facebook: \u25b9Instagram: \u25b9Try these calculators: //CONTACT: \u25b9If you need to get in touch or you would like to make a video using any of our roulette strategies, email: #neighbourbetsstrategy #rouletteneighbourbets Thanks for watching the Neighbour Bets Strategy video
Posted 31 January 2021 - Filed in Dealer Tracker
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