Videos » Area Key » Best Online Roulette Strategy: How to win at online roulette consistently

Best Online Roulette Strategy: How to win at online roulette consistently

Posted by Edward Clarke
This roulette strategy is based on betting on the roulette wheel. What we mean by this, is betting on the neighboring numbers of the roulette wheel. There are 2 different roulette tables, American and European roulette. The best strategy for online roulette is to find a European roulette table as there is only one zero which gives you a higher success rate when using this online roulette strategy! So how does this roulette strategy work? It is fairly simple so anyone can try it. We are simply entering in the previous results from the live roulette dealer, and this is key, make sure it is a live dealer! This won’t work on an RNG otherwise known as a random number generator roulette table. We do have some great strategies for those tables, so make sure you check out our other videos. Once we start entering in the previous roulette spins, you can see on the graph when the previous wins have landed. If we see the wins at a low depth, meaning the graph is showing lots of 0’s and 1’s, this is the best time to use this strategy. You can also use this roulette strategy if you see the depths being consistently high, you would simply bet on the area that isn’t highlighted on the roulette calculator. It is nice to use this strategy with online roulette as you can quickly switch between several roulette dealers until you find one that is showing the consistency that you are looking for. This online roulette strategy will however work in real casinos. But if you do use this strategy in a real casino, be careful that you are not seen using the roulette tracker as this may get you thrown out of the casino.
Posted 25 February 2021 - Filed in Area Key
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