Videos » Paroli Betting System and bankroll management: Winning Roulette System for Online Casinos

Paroli Betting System and bankroll management: Winning Roulette System for Online Casinos

Posted by Edward Clarke
In this video series, I will be showing you how to win at roulette using the Paroli betting system along with my bankroll management when playing roulette at an online casino. We are using the dealer tracker to help guide us where to place our neighbour bets. The Paroli betting system is a positive progression betting system that requires a winning streak to be effective. This is a modified version where we place a neighbours bet of 8 (17 numbers) on the hot area of the wheel. We find the hot area by using the dealer tracker to identify dealers who are showing consistency with their spins, also known as a dealers signature. We then place a bet of 1 unit on the hot area, if it misses, we bet 1 unit again. If it is a winning number, we double the bet until we get a 3 win streak. If at any point during the streak we get a miss, we return the bet to 1 unit. It is important to understand when using the Paroli betting system, we only play with dealers who have high levels of consistency, meaning that we can cover at least 8 out of their 10 previous results.
Posted 25 December 2021
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